Catalogue > At random

Stephan Lugbauer

The Mackeys

Film expérimental | hdv | couleur | 23:0 | Autriche | 2010

THE MACKEYS evolved out of a six months residency during the MAK Schindler Program in Los Angeles. The Movie A filmic collage on Los Angeles based on former residents?s memories, diary entries, references to art, literature and film. It starts with a young woman talking about a confusion of two movies with nearly identical titles - L.A. Plays Itself and Los Angeles Plays Itself. Subsequently follows a remake of the opening titles to Thom Anderson?s Los Angeles Plays Itself. A couple of minutes later we hear the sound of an helicopter taken from the opening sequence of Robert Altman?s Short Cuts while the camera pans in bird?s-eye view across the hedge?s and front yard of R.M. Schindler?s Mackey Apartment House. A voiceover recites a passage from Memoirs of My Nervous Illness by Daniel Paul Schreber: ?To make myself at least somewhat comprehensible I shall have to speak much in images and similes, which may at times perhaps be only approximately correct. For the only way a human being can make supernatural matters, which in their essence must remain incomprehensible, understandable to a certain degree is by compairing them with known facts of human experience.?

Stephan Lugbauers Arbeiten verbinden filmische, installative und performative Momente. Stephan Lugbauer (geb. 1976 in Feldkirch) lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Studium der Architektur an der Technischen Universität in Wien und Diplom an der Akademie für bildende Kunst Wien. Atelier Residency des BMUKK in Mexiko und MAK-Schindler Stipendium in Los Angeles, Ausstellungen und Performance- Projekte in Wien, Peking, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Bern, New York, Köln, Las Palmas, Sofia etc. Mitbegründer des SAPROPHYT Project Space in Wien.