Catalogue > At random

Lena Maria Thuering

Das Haus

Vidéo | dv | couleur | 11:0 | Suisse | 2008

?The father shoots the first wild boar, it is being decomposed and skinned in the basement and hung in the laundry. 20 cents costs a glimpse on the shot animal. The nanny has to clean the wild boar teeth and to put them in a box.? What defines memory and what exactly does it set about? In Lena Maria Thüring?s video work ?The House? half a century of family history is reflected upon a detached house?s empty walls: Slowly and continuously the camera runs through hallways, rooms, and the staircase, while a background voice narrates the past. Thüring?s interaction with time and space in the film consecutively plays with the expectations of the observer and questions the relationship between documentation and fiction. By objectification of word and vision in the formal realisation, Thüring hence confronts the viewer with his own past. Annette Amberg

Lena Maria Thüring is born 1981 in Arlersheim, BL, Switzerland her native place is Basel, BS, Switzerland. She lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland. 2002 Artistic preparatory course at the School of Art Zurich, Zurich 2002?2007 Photography at the School of Art Zurich, Zurich since 2005 partial artistic cooperation with Annette Amberg.