Catalogue > At random

Clemente Castor

Príncipe de Paz

Fiction expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 84:0 | Mexique | 2019

What divides us and what keeps us together? Maybe, both questions have the same answer. The body revealing itself to the mind. The mind to the space. The space, a place without walls which its inhabitants can’t get out of. Confinement in a place that seems open. People like the objects of a place. A place as a body they can’t get out of. The body, a group of membranes, the tissue that contains us. The fear that this tissue might not contain us anymore. A giant’s skeleton appears.

He received a grant from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) of Mexico to study at the Sarajevo Film Academy in Bosnia Herzegovina, founded by Hungarian director Béla Tarr. He studied Latin American literature at the Iberoamericana University (UIA, in Spanish). Also, he participated in the Mantarraya film workshop, in Mexico City. He is co-founder of the distribution and production company Salón de Belleza and was selected for the Berlinale Talents-Guadalajara 2019. He is currently studying a master's degree in contemporary art at SOMA, Mexico. He has directed short films, screening in several national and international film festivals in Colombia, Bosnia, Vienna, Argentina, Houston, France, Tijuana, etc. His feature film “Prince of Peace” received the award for best Mexican movie at FICUNAM and had its International premier at FidMarseille where it obtained the special mention of the international competition and special mention of Centre National des Artes Plastiques (CNAP). As well presented in festivals like Viennale, Mar del Plata Film Festival, Márgenes, etc. Also, he works as a contemporary artist and has presented his installations in some independent spaces and in contemporary art museums like Biquini Wax EPS, Queretaro Contemporary Art Museum, Baxter St, NY, Soma, and others.