Catalogue > At random

Pleurad Xhafa

Tireless Worker

Film expérimental | hdv | couleur | 42:57 | Albanie | 2015

Haxhi Xhihani (Xhiku) was born in 1953. Since 1973 he has worked in the bunker factory "Josif Pashko" in Tirana, Albania. Qualified as a model worker in helping the collective work, he was decorated with the Medal of Honor "Tireless worker" by the brigadier of factory Jani Ciko. After the communist regime, a part of the factory was destroyed and what remained is privatized, becoming a factory that producing tile for the sidewalks. The owner of the factory is the former brigadier. Currently, Xhiku is paid 3 euro per day.

Pleurad Xhafa is an visual artist and filmmaker who lives and work in Tirana, Albania. After studies in Bologna, he graduated with an MFA at the Academy of Fine Arts, Bologna in 2012. Continues his research work in critically engaged and investigative conceptual practice. Through his work he attends to the legacies of conceptual and documentary approaches in art, making it relevant in the landscape of contemporary art research. He has participated in International group shows including: Every revolution is a throw of dice, Genoa, Italy (2006); Onufri Prize, Albania (2008); Tirana Biennale, Albania (2009); Berlin Biennale, Germany (2010); Lavoro/Work/Vore, Udine, Italy (2013); Ardhja Award, Tirana, Albania (2013); Shame on you, Celje, Slovenia (2015) His work as been awarded first prizes at Young Visual Artist Award in 2013 by Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art (T.I.C.A) and International studio & Curator Program (ISCP), New York.