Catalogue > At random

Sini Pelkki


Film expérimental | 16mm | couleur | 7:23 | Finlande | 2016

the work examines the length of a thought, the length of a moment. Through repetition and rhythm, the piece builds a sense of a narrative, distance and closeness at the same time. We are looking at a figure in an urban landscape, soon to be dislocated. The Gaze abandons and re-draws the images. Perception grapples with distances; between the figure and its landscape, between the viewer and the piece itself.

Sini Pelkki (born 1978) is an artist based in Helsinki, Finland. She gained her BA (Hons) Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art and Design, London (UK) in 2002 and her MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki in 2008. Sini Pelkki’s work derives and evolves around photography and the photographic image. Focusing on the subjectivity of seeing and the diverse dialogue between environments and the layers of spaces within spaces.