Catalogue > At random

Mayumi Nakazaki


Vidéo expérimentale | hdcam | | 19:57 | Japon, Pays-Bas | 2012

Inspired by the art critic John Berger`s essay `Seker Ahmet and the forest` (1979), the work deals with the subject of memory. The structure of the film is episodic, each scene is repeatedly interrupted by another in a disorienting manner. It explores a notion of fragmented narrative within a cinematic context. Relating to the issue of `the building of the Burma-Siam railway` during WWII, the story mixes with reality and fiction, documents and illusions where past and present co- exist. The film consists of a sequence of different visual materials; a painting, drawings, archive photographs, scenes with actors and animals.These various textures are combined in the timeline, observed and interpret the subject and its memory, as well as questioning the sense of time/space.

Mayumi Nakazaki is a Japanese visual artist, based in Amsterdam. She studied audio-visual at the Gerrit Rietveld Acadmy in Amsterdam. Her graduation work has been awarded the Rene Coelho Prize van Nedrland Instituut voor Mediakunst in 1999. This work has been exhibited and screened in vaious places such as; Stedekijk Museum Amsterdam, Nederlands Film Festival, Filmmuseum Amsterdam. The following year, she worked as a writer/director in the program De Achtbaan, Avro t.v, which 20 min. drama ?O, vader!? was produced. During 2000-2001, she was a participant at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. Her short film ?Sukiyaki - a conversation piece(2005)? has been presented such as; at experimental documentary section of `Paradocs`; International Film Festival IDFA Amsterdam in 2005, Berlinale talentcampus section `home affair` in 2007. In 2005, she was invited to participate in a media art residency program `Location One` in New York for 9 months, supported by Mondiraan Fonds. And from 2008-2009, she has been working in New York with the subsidy Bunkacho; Arts and cultural affairs, the Japanese government overseas research study program for artists. ?hunt hunter hunter (2009)? was a result of this one year project and the work has been shown at Jamaica Arts Center New York, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Macy Art gallery Colombia University New York, etc. Her recent work ?Chapter 2- the field trip(2011)? is distributed by EYE film Institute Amsterdam. She is working currently working on a feature film script, developed at Binger Filmlab in Amsterdam.