Catalogue > At random

Yorgos Zois

Titloi Telous

Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 10:30 | Grèce | 2012

(out of frame) In Greece the advertisement in exterior billboards has been recently forbidden. As a result there are hundreds of blank billboards that don?t show any messages. But the empty frames are now the message. And Greece is out of frame.

Yorgos Zois was born in Athens. His first short film, CASUS BELLI, premiered in Venice in 2010 and participated in the international competition of the most important film festivals world-wide, winning several first awards. It was theatrically distributed in Greece and France and was broadcast by several TV stations around the globe. His second short film, TITLOI TELOUS (Out of Frame), premiered at Venice IFF 2012.