Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Martin M. Oesterheld


Documentaire | hdcam | couleur | 60:0 | Argentine | 2012

In the margins of the city, two lots sharing coincidences are placed in a dialogue. They were both locations for entertainment built by different dictatorships: The Sport City of La Boca, and the Interama amusement park. Today both places are in ruins and their surroundings harbor settlements and shanty towns where thousands of families live, many of them migrants and in extreme poverty. Through a thorough investigation, the documental shows the transit of those characters as they frequently pass though these places, and it depicts the present day over the tracks history left on the urban landscape. The result is a Buenos Aires City seen from its ends with perplexity, beauty, emotion and a neutral eye. The film combines densities with an analytical storytelling that is yet deeply atmospheric and transforming through the reality it manages to capture.

Born in 1974, Martín M. Oesterheld is a visual artist with a scholarship from the UBA / CC Rojas Research Lab for Arts Parctices. His most recent work includes the documentary "La Multitud" (Crowd), the video shorts ?Tránsito? (Transit), and ?Para la Defensa? (To the defense) made together with Julián D?Angiolillo and premiered in the Tecnopolis Exhibition.