Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Keith Sanborn

Oh, David, you know what colors I like...

Vidéo expérimentale | | couleur et n&b | 1:34 | USA | 2011

This video was produced for an exquisite corpse project by Jason Simon to be screened on Bastille Day, 2012 in Narrowsburgh, NY. I added a title to my segment and kept the first second of picture from the previous video, the starting point for my work. The title was inspired by a remark of Paul Sharits. One of his assistants had just screened a test for him of an elaborate optical printer film. The title was his response. Also, the Stones played several times on the David Frost Show. Also James Brown was Black and Proud. Also I?m going to dye my hair black and you can?t stop me.

Keith Sanborn is a media artist, theorist, curator and translator based in New York.