Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Elisa Gómez Alvarez

Me Myself and I

Fiction expérimentale | mov | couleur | 5:13 | Allemagne | 2015

The experimental short film ME, MYSELF AND I directed by Elisa Gómez Alvarez (script and rea- lisation) and Nicolas Stephan Fischer (fashion-collection F65.0) is about a metro-sexual matrix at the old Berlin corner pub "Soldiner Eck“. With stylistic devices of Western, Science-Fiction and the CAMP-movement the film questions society-forced role models and male stereotypes. Based on a shared research the fashion-collection and the short film were simultaneously realised in a synergetic project at University of Arts Berlin 2015. Surrounded by fairy lights and plastic flowers three male figures meet at an old Berlin pub. Despite their identical appearance they distinguish by personality and clothing. There is a strained relationship between them. Mutely the men communicate with minimal gestures as they seem confused between desire and fear. Camouflage-like their outfits vanish in the lavis- hly decorated ambience. A strange meeting, an interaction between alive and dead things in a surreal space.

ELISA GÓMEZ ALVAREZ was born 1989 in Berlin. She studies Visual Communication at the University of Arts Berlin since 2012. Since September 2015 she is a fellows- hip holder in one of Germany‘s most important foundation „Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes“. During her studies she visited the studio class „MEDIA ART“ by Prof. Maria Vedder and „Expanded Media“ by Prof. Anna Anders. Now she is taking part in the studio class „Experimental Film / Media Art“ by Prof. Nina Fischer. Initiating a variety of short films and video installations she is a versatilely en- gaged student at University of Arts Berlin. One of her most complex projects was the film opera by Bohuslav Martinů. She realised a mixed media video work for stage scenery. The jazz-opera was performed first in Berlin. (Première: 4th/5th of July 2014)