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Browse the entire list of Rencontre Internationales artists since 2004. Use the alphabetical filter to refine your search. update in progress
Riccardo Iacono
Catalogue : 2006More Light | Art vidéo | dv | couleur | 4:55 | Royaume-Uni | 2004
Riccardo Iacono
More Light
Art vidéo | dv | couleur | 4:55 | Royaume-Uni | 2004
Une médiation sur le temps, le lieu et le fait de voir improvisée. On se sert de la caméra comme d?un instrument de performance. Fait en une seul prise.
Ricardo Iacono a étudié la peinture à Glasgow School of Art et l?imagerie électronique au Duncan Instutue of Jordanstone College of Art Dundee. Son panel d??uvres s?étend du film abstrait peint et à l?animation digitale jusqu?à le collage vidéo, la performance et les installationS. Ses récentes projections incluent `A Century of Artists Film in Britain` at Tate Britain (2003); `Ice In The Freezer` a one person show presented by Pleasure Dome, Toronto (2003); `Love Songs From A Dark Body` a retrospective at La Enana Marron, Madrid (2005);`From Memory` a one person show at Kino Oko, Prague (2005)TIE International Experimental Cinema Exposition, Denver (2005)
Yurie Ido
Catalogue : 2006I just You | Animation | dv | couleur | 2:56 | Japon | 2003
Yurie Ido
I just You
Animation | dv | couleur | 2:56 | Japon | 2003
Ricardo Iglesias, Mario RUIZ
Catalogue : 2009Evolutional machine, un robot autista | Installation multimédia | | couleur | 0:0 | Espagne | 2007
Ricardo Iglesias, Mario RUIZ
Evolutional machine, un robot autista
Installation multimédia | | couleur | 0:0 | Espagne | 2007
Le dispositif de Ricardo Iglesias et Mario Ruiz, "Evolutional machine, un robot autista" interroge la confrontation entre deux mondes et les interférences qu`ils produisent : le monde technologique et le monde des êtres vivants. La sphère technologique est habitée par une série de robots ayant chacun des fonctions diverses selon leur programmation, indépendamment de l`influence des êtres vivants. La frontière entre les deux mondes est ici diffuse. Une relation s`établit au travers d`un dispositif de captation et de retransmission contredisant la relation attendue entre l`observateur et l`observé. Dans l`espace, sur l`écran et sur le web. "Evolutional machine, un robot autista" établit une relation homme-machine basée sur une interaction réciproque. Les deux éléments appartiennent à un unique système logique, contrairement à ce qui se passe habituellement dans la logique du subjugué et de la subjugation. Du statut d`agent, nous devenons constituant intrinsèque de la logique de la relation.
Sasha Ihnatovich
Catalogue : 2023Not Go Gentle | Documentaire | mov | couleur et n&b | 5:26 | Biélorussie, Slovénie | 2022
Sasha Ihnatovich
Not Go Gentle
Documentaire | mov | couleur et n&b | 5:26 | Biélorussie, Slovénie | 2022
Idyllic villages hide traces of sorrow and suffering inflicted on humans by each other. A short film based on stories of people who cross the borders in search of peace, but find humiliation instead. Despite everything they are not giving up.
Sasha Ihnatovich is a feminist filmmaker, educator and visual culture researcher from Belarus, currently working in Slovenia.
Takahiko Iimura, Kazuyo YASUDA
Catalogue : 2006The Stones Have Moved | Vidéo expérimentale | betaSP | couleur et n&b | 7:30 | Japon | 2004
Takahiko Iimura, Kazuyo YASUDA
The Stones Have Moved
Vidéo expérimentale | betaSP | couleur et n&b | 7:30 | Japon | 2004
"An animated film using filmed images combined with computer graphics and the traditional one-stroke drawing technique ippitsu ga."
Takahiko Iimura is a groundbreaking Japanese film- and video-maker. Like Jonas Mekas in New York, Iimura, in Tokyo, was instrumental in bringing together and organizing Japanese independent and avant-garde filmmakers and events in the early 1960s; he also played the dual role of organizer and filmmaker himself. Takahiko IIMURA`s Early Conceptual Videos are one of the starting points of Japanese video art. After coming back from New York in 1969, Taka Iimura started video production in Tokyo. Working in experimental film since the early 1960s, he first combined the art of film with video thus making a kind of flicker effect in video The Japanese concept of ma is something that was not so familiar to me. The meaning of the word ma was not clear, yet we use it in many situations. It was, indeed, a very mysterious word. To be frank, I thought it was too Japanese to handle. However in the 1970s I found an interest in the concept of ma as I was thinking a lot about the concept of time in film. Because time in film is considered duration rather than "clock time" of N+1. It is the kind of duration that Henry Bergson called duree. This concept was a starting point in making this film. - TI
Jan Ijäs
Catalogue : 2018Sosiaalinen yhteys (Social Connection) | Fiction expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 12:58 | Finlande | 2016
Jan IjÄs
Sosiaalinen yhteys (Social Connection)
Fiction expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 12:58 | Finlande | 2016
The film’s dialogue has been copied from online forums as is, with no editing. Many times these “ faceless ” online conversations end up to a very surreal limbo.
Media artist and filmmaker Jan Ijäs lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Ijäs works with documentary, fiction and alternative film. The films of Ijäs deal with serious and difficult social themes, like migration into foreign and hostile societies. Ijäs`s films have been shown very widely abroad by over a hundred film festivals and as installations in museums and galleries.
Jan Ijäs
Jan Ijäs
Catalogue : 2014Two Islands | 0 | 0 | | 5:58 | Finlande, 0 | 0
Jan IjÄs
Two Islands
0 | 0 | | 5:58 | Finlande, 0 | 0
Two Islands is a film about two enormous waste dumps in Staten Island and Hart Island, NYC. One is a now closed landfill, which at one point was the largest in the world, the other is a cemetary of unidentified people, still in use. Two Islands bluntly asks: what does the existence of these two huge mountains of economic and social waste tell about our civilization, and what kind of legacy will the archaeologists see in them when they are studying these a few centuries from now?
Filmmaker and media-artist Jan Ijäs (b. 1975) is a artist of lens-based art, both still and moving. The films of Ijäs tend to break the traditional boundaries of fictive and documentary films. Ijäs?s work is often displayed as gallery installations rather than in traditional movie venues incorporated with still images and text works. Ijäs?s, sometimes even humorous works, deal with serious and difficult social themes, like migration into foreign and hostile societies. Ijäs?s films have been shown very widely abroad by movie festivals (over hundred) and art museums.
Catherine Ikam
Catalogue : 2013Nam June Paik plays piano pieces | Vidéo | dv | couleur | 12:32 | France | 2012
Catherine Ikam
Nam June Paik plays piano pieces
Vidéo | dv | couleur | 12:32 | France | 2012
Catherine Ikam travaille depuis 1980 sur le concept de l?identité à l?age électronique et plus particulièrement sur les thèmes de l?identité et de l?apparence, du vivant et de l?artificiel, de l?humain et du modèle. Elle est considérée comme l?un des artistes pionniers dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies en Europe. En 1980 elle crée au Musée National d?Art Moderne du Centre Georges Pompidou un parcours sur le thème de l?identité, itinéraire à travers les accidents de la représentation de soi ; avec Fragments d?un Archétype et Identité III, elle introduit la fragmentation dans les installations vidéo (Nam june Paik Videocryptography 1980). Catherine Ikam a été Research Fellow au Massachussett?s Institute of Technology, auteur-producteur de programmes sur Antenne 2 consacrés aux nouvelles technologies,co- auteur avec Tod Machover d'un opéra video "Valis", coproduit par l?IRCAM et le Musée National d?Art Moderne pour le 10e anniversaire du Centre Georges Pompidou.. Elle a recu le prix Arcimboldo 2000 de la création numérique ..Elle a été artiste invité au BanffCentre for the Arts au canada en 2000 et au Studio National des Arts contemporains du Fresnoy pour l'année 2005/2006. Depuis 1990, Catherine Ikam en collaboration avec Louis Fléri réalise des installations de video numérique dans lesquelles les visiteur peuvent interagir en temps réel avec des personnages 3D et différents univers . leurs ?uvres sont présentées largement en France et à l?étranger Ils ont conçu ,notamment, L?Autre, crée en 1992 à la fondation Cartier pour l?Art contemporain,les portraits virtuels présentés pour la première fois à la biennale d?Art Contemporain de lyon,1995 : Le Messager en 1995 pour l?exposition Cités Cinés 2, à La Défense ,Alex,commandé en 1996 pour l?inauguration des nouveaux espaces de l?IRCAM/Centre Georges Pompidou , Elle réalisée en 1999 pour l?exposition Portraits :Réel/Virtuel à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie et présentée largement en France entre 2000 et 2003, le Cube (,Issy les moulineaux,) Agora 2000,IRCAM/Centre Georges Pompidou, ISEA 2000,(Paris.) Le Grand Album"(,Chalon sur saone)," Et à l?étranger ,Deutsches Museum ( Munich),Musée Seralves (Porto), Ars Electronica .Future Museum (Linz,)."Science Museum ( London ) Oscar a été crée en 2005 pour l?exposition ?Paris à Shanghai? pour l?exposition Paris à Shanghai à l?Art Museum de Shanghai. une rétrospective « Digital Diaries »a été consacrée en juin 2007 à Catherine Ikam par la Maison Européenne de la Photographie à Paris ; En 2012,elle à été invitée par le Nam June Paik Center à Séoul dans le cadre de l?exposition « Nostalgia is an extended feedback » qui a lieu de juillet 2012 à février 2013 ; Catherine Ikam prépare actuellement avec Roland Auzet un spectacle pour 2013/ 2014 sur un texte de Fabrice Melquiot « aucun homme n?est une ile «
Ryoji Ikeda
Catalogue : 2011data.matrix[nº1-10] | 0 | 0 | | 0:0 | Japon | 2006
Ryoji Ikeda
0 | 0 | | 0:0 | Japon | 2006
Nataliya Ilchuk
Catalogue : 2025The Seventh Shift | Film expérimental | 16mm | couleur | 0:0 | Ukraine | 2023
Nataliya Ilchuk
The Seventh Shift
Film expérimental | 16mm | couleur | 0:0 | Ukraine | 2023
‘The Seventh Shift’ is a film and a 3-screen installation about a woman who manages to maintain her integrity by avoiding the paradigms imposed by the social conditions of existence, focusing instead on the world beyond material dimension with its many limitations. Continual ritual gestures that do not involve obtaining a profit and an irrational faith in an unattainable have become the main basis of the film in which the prosaic mundanity is not expressed explicitly but through the visual poetry of a town in decay.
Artiste et cinéaste ukrainienne, Nataliya Ilchuk s'intéresse aux variations de la perception de la réalité dues aux effets des médias de masse, à la représentation à l'écran de l'identité façonnée entre différentes époques, et examine les défis que représente le fait de refléter l'expérience vécue au-delà des conventions artistiques contestables.
Gvozden Ilic
Oscar Illingworth
Catalogue : 2025Los dos lados de la tortuga | Doc. expérimental | super8 | couleur et n&b | 11:40 | Equateur | 2023
Oscar Illingworth
Los dos lados de la tortuga
Doc. expérimental | super8 | couleur et n&b | 11:40 | Equateur | 2023
An explorer from the past (or present) arrives in the Galapagos Islands for the first time to have a tactile encounter with rocks and tortoises. In the darkness of the volcanic tunnels the beasts transfigure freely. Giant tortoises hold the mystery of the universe in the scars on their backs, and to their misfortune they are also a craved food for hungry sailors who prowl the Pacific Ocean aimlessly.
Oscar ILLINGWORTH (1993, Ecuador) is a non-fiction filmmaker and editor who studied Film at the University of Navarra in 2016. He has taken part in various film projects in South America and participated at Berlinale Talents BAFICI in Buenos Aires.
Victoria Ilyushkina
Catalogue : 2007Cuba far | Vidéo expérimentale | dv | couleur | 1:17 | Russie, Cuba | 2006
Victoria Ilyushkina
Cuba far
Vidéo expérimentale | dv | couleur | 1:17 | Russie, Cuba | 2006
"Cuba Far" est une parodie qui utilise les jeux de mots. L'action se déroule dans un vieil appartement dans lequel plusieurs familles vivent ensemble. Ils n'ont qu'une salle de bain pour tout l'appartement et personne ne veut la réparer. Pourquoi ? Parce qu'elle est commune. Quand on a de l'argent, on peut s'acheter son propre appartement et s'en occuper à sa guise.
Victoria Ilyushkina est née en 1971. Elle a obtenu son diplôme en 1995, du département de peinture du Serov Art College à St. Petersbourg. Elle a d'abord étudié dans le département d'histoire de l'art et de théorie artistique de la St. Russian Academy of Art, Institut de peinture, de sculpture et d'architecture I.E. Repina à St. Petersbourg et ensuite à l'institut Pro Arte - Fondation pou l'art et la culture, New Media Art Studies Program - de 2003 à 2005.
Eduardo Imasaka
Daniela Imhoff
Anthony Ing
Catalogue : 2023Jill, Uncredited | Doc. expérimental | digital | couleur | 18:20 | Canada, Royaume-Uni | 2022
Anthony Ing
Jill, Uncredited
Doc. expérimental | digital | couleur | 18:20 | Canada, Royaume-Uni | 2022
Prolific background actor Jill Goldston takes centre stage in this unique portrait. Constructed entirely from Jill’s performances – captured fleetingly in everything from Mr. Bean to The Elephant Man – the film is a lyrical journey through popular culture, and a haunting study of a life lived out of focus.
Anthony Ing is a British and Canadian filmmaker and composer whose work explores existing cultural artefacts with a particular focus on the relationship between identity and performance. Co-founder of production outfit, Loop, they have produced a range of artist-led film and television projects since 2014, receiving awards at the Griersons, BFI London Film Festival and the British Independent Film Awards.
Vaikla Ingel
Catalogue : 2025Moi aussi, je regarde | Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur et n&b | 22:16 | Estonie, Belgique | 2024
Vaikla Ingel
Moi aussi, je regarde
Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur et n&b | 22:16 | Estonie, Belgique | 2024
The unité d’habitation is a modernist residential housing typology developed by Atelier Le Corbusier. The first unité d’habitation building in Marseille, France was built between 1947 and 1952. The building houses 337 apartments with 1200 inhabitants. The apartments were originally equipped with built-in furniture designed by Charlotte Perriand. The flat roof is designed in collaboration with an architect Blanche Lemco van Ginkel as a communal terrace with sculptural ventilation stacks, a running track, and a shallow paddling pool for children. The building is the first and finest example of vertical urbanism. Moi aussi, je regarde is an experimental documentary film which portrays widely reproduced building the unité d’habitation through the stories of its female inhabitants in an attempt to give the building its own agency to not only be looked at but to be empowered to look back in the masculine world of modernity.
Ingel Vaikla (1992, Tallinn) is a visual artist and a filmmaker based in Brussels working primarily with video, 16 mm analogue film and found footage. Vaikla’s artistic practice focuses on representation of architecture and on the relationship between spaces and their communities. She is on a constant search for visual language that would not simply observe architecture as a sculptural form but would translate the existential, conceptual and ideological qualities spaces manifest. Her works The House Guard, Roosenberg, Double Exposure, Papagalo, What's the Time?, EUR42 have been screened internationally at film festivals and art institutions such as IDFA in Amsterdam, Kunsthalle Wien, EKKM in Tallinn, Beursschouwburg and Bozar in Brussels, Manifesta 13 in Marseille, Videonale in Bonn, Tramway in Glasgow, EMAF in Osnabrück, Busan International Video Art Festival etc.
Catalogue : 2023Papagalo, What's the Time? | Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur et n&b | 7:0 | Estonie, Belgique | 2022
Vaikla Ingel
Papagalo, What's the Time?
Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur et n&b | 7:0 | Estonie, Belgique | 2022
Papagalo, what’s the Time? explores the architecture of the former Yugoslavian pavilion from the Brussels World Expo (1958) in its current function as Sint-Pauluscollege. The film follows a group of kids playing old Yugoslavian children’s games at the building. The camera moves from outdoors to the interior spaces, along the hallways from floor to floor exploring the building together with the group of children. The work creates a poetic exchange between the modernist architecture and the contemporary function of the building, between the moving bodies and solid walls.
Ingel Vaikla (1992, Tallinn) is a visual artist and a filmmaker based in Brussels. Vaikla’s practice focuses on the relationship between place, identity and its users, and the representation of space in photography, video and film. She is in constant search for visual language that would not simply observe architecture as aesthetic sculptural form but would explore the existential, conceptual and ideological qualities it can convey. She believes that buildings do not only provide shelter, they are also a mental mediation between the world and us. Her films ‘The House Guard’, ‘Roosenberg’, ‘Double Exposure’, ‘Papagalo, What’s the Time?’ and ‘EUR42’ have been screened at film festivals and art institutions such as IDFA in Amsterdam, Kunsthalle Wien in Vienna, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM) in Tallinn, Tramway in Glasgow, Beursschouwburg in Brussels, Manifesta 13 in Marseille, EMAF in Osnabrück, Videonale in Bonn etc.
Catalogue : 2016Majavalvur | Documentaire | hdv | couleur | 25:55 | Estonie | 2015
Vaikla Ingel
Documentaire | hdv | couleur | 25:55 | Estonie | 2015
The House Guard is a double portrait – of the Tallinn Linnahall concert and sports venue and its caretaker Peter, who are both bound by seclusion. It tells the story of the decline of a legendary building through one man`s eyes, and the personal story of a man against the backdrop of a vanishing building. It is a dialogue between the two.
Ingel Vaikla (1992) is a photographer and filmmaker. In her work she mostly questions the relation between architecture and its users, and the representation of architecture in camera based mediums. Ingel was part of the team representing Estonia at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale with a contribution titled `How Long is the Life of a Building?`. Her film “The House Guard” (2015) has been screened on Estonian national television and on several international film festivals in Europe. Right now she is studying in film Masters in Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent. She writes for design and architecture magazine Idee and organises film screenings for the International Interior Architecture Symposium SISU.
Marion Inglessi
Catalogue : 2017Catastrophe | Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 5:0 | Grèce | 2015
Marion Inglessi
Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 5:0 | Grèce | 2015
Catastrophe is the fatal turning point or resolution in Ancient Greek drama. The word catastrophe in Greek and Arabic bears the same weight: the catastrophe of Asia Minor, the Exodus from Palestine. When catastrophe strikes, the visual equivalent of extreme shock is to drop whatever one holds in one’s hands. The “unbreakable” Duralex glasses were created in France in the late 50’s and have today become a classic. A symbol of strength and durability, they have spread around the whole world and have been photographed in the hands of Afghan tribesmen, James Bond, and even Osama bin Laden. The “Western” glasses are shot in slow motion as they fall to the ground, bounce, alternate and merge with the more fragile Arabic tea-glasses in a silent and ultimately shared - dance of death. Letters hit the falling glassware with the rhythmic intensity of gunshots, spelling the word catastrophe in Greek, English, and Arabic (nakba). Catastrophe is a reflection on the current events in the world and the increasing loss of value of human life.
Marion Inglessi is a visual artist, scene designer, curator. Born in Athens, she lived in Ghana, Nigeria, Lebanon, Italy, France and USA. After a BA in English Literature, she received an MFA in Theatre Design from Brandeis University, Boston, U.S.A. (1986-89). She attended Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey on an Erasmus scholarship (2010-11). In 2014 she received an MFA from the School of Fine Arts, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. She has worked as a designer for theatre, opera, film and advertising, in New York, Paris, Athens (1989-2003). She was Head of exhibitions & curator at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival (2005-2009), for film directors Nico Papatakis, William Klein, Werner Herzog, Wim & Donata Wenders, Eve Sussman, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Guillermo del Toro, Cao Fei, and others. In 2015 she co-created a video animation project for refugee children & adolescents in Athens shelters. She has had two solo painting and sculpture exhibitions while participating and curating a number of group shows. Her work is in private collections in Greece, France, Switzerland and Turkey and the Macedonian Museum of Modern Art. Her video Catastrophe participated in the video survey Fireflies in the Night Take Wing, at the SNFCC, Athens, 2016.
Lilja Ingolfsdottir, Sara ELIASSEN
Catalogue : 2006Not Worth It - Shine and Glow | Fiction | 35mm | couleur | 3:30 | Norvège, Royaume-Uni | 2005
Lilja Ingolfsdottir, Sara ELIASSEN
Not Worth It - Shine and Glow
Fiction | 35mm | couleur | 3:30 | Norvège, Royaume-Uni | 2005
Lilja Ingolfsdottir nait en Norvège en 1976. Elle étudie à la International Film School de Londres entre 1997 et 2002 et à la FAMU (Czech National Film School, Prague) entre de 2000 à 2001.
Institute For New Feeling
Catalogue : 2018Avalanche | Vidéo expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 16:40 | USA | 2017
Institute For New Feeling
Vidéo expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 16:40 | USA | 2017
Avalanche is an enhanced water beverage filtered through a human pipeline that traces the flow of water through a city and through the body. A live performance presents municipal water usage as a literal concert of bodies, a system that is improbable, arduous, and flawed. The Avalanche bottling process begins with an ice cap harvested from the Never Summer Mountain Range. The ice melts and travels through a series of human filters, eventually collecting in crystal singing bowls. The sound of this filtration is performed as a concert for a live audience, while at the same time being live broadcast back to the mountain range, causing an avalanche from the vibration of sound waves. The avalanche is bottled for consumption, while also providing new ice to begin the process again. The project consists of a one night live performance, multi-channel video and vending machine stocked with Avalanche water, all of which work together to create a mythology of the product’s source. Passing water between the city and the mountain in an endless feedback loop, IfNf`s filtration process equates the mountain spring with the trickle of water across a dirty windshield, the tears of two middle-aged men, the gargle and spit from a teenager’s mouth, juxtaposing trivial everyday gestures with the looming, dark future of a changing climate.
The Institute for New Feeling is a collective founded by Scott Andrew, Agnes Bolt, and Nina Sarnelle, committed to the development of new ways of feeling, and ways of feeling new. As a group, our identity is always shifting. Borrowing aesthetics and language from wellness and tech industries, market research, speculative design, political propaganda, we assume a familiar yet fragile voice of authority. IfNf has recently shown work at The Getty Center, LA, Ballroom Marfa, TX, MoMA, NY, Istanbul Modern, Turkey, MAAT, Lisbon, Whitechapel Gallery, London, Hammer Museum LA, Fundacion PROA, Buenos Aires, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Jardin Essential, Bruxelles, Recess, NY, and Mwoods, Beijing. IfNf has been featured in Frieze, Art in America, Vogue Italy, Huffington Post, SFMoMA, Creators Project, FlashArt, and Hyperallergic.
Catalogue : 2017This is Presence | Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 17:19 | USA | 2016
Institute For New Feeling
This is Presence
Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 17:19 | USA | 2016
A 17-min video commissioned by Ballroom Marfa for the Artist Film International program led by Whitechapel in London. This video depicts a journey through the Institute for New Feeling’s fabricated SEO Marketing campaign, a web of interconnected sites populated with training modules, news articles, facility tours, click bait and social networking sites all linking back to the Institute for New Feeling.
The Institute for New Feeling 3 person collective committed to the development of new ways of feeling, and ways of feeling new. As a group we assume the authoritative voice of the Institution, borrowing from the language of corporate branding as well as that of mainstream medicine, therapy, health and beauty. Our work takes the form of treatments, therapies, retreats and wellness products. We are interested in the wellness industry as a shifting, slippery intersection of capitalism, technological innovation, and the body. IfNf has recently shown work at Ballroom Marfa, TX, Istanbul Modern, Turkey,Museum of Modern Art, NY, MAAT, Lisbon, Whitechapel Gallery, London, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, Fundacion PROA, Buenos Aires, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Kevin Space, Vienna, Jardin Essential, Bruxelles, Recess, NY, and Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.