Catalogue > List by artist
Browse the entire list of Rencontre Internationales artists since 2004. Use the alphabetical filter to refine your search. update in progress
Clemens Von Wedemeyer
Catalogue : 2020Transformation Scenario | Vidéo | 4k | couleur | 20:0 | Allemagne | 2018
Clemens Von Wedemeyer
Transformation Scenario
Vidéo | 4k | couleur | 20:0 | Allemagne | 2018
In the background of blockbuster films, algorithms have been employed to replace extras in post-production. Since years we are used to scenes in which masses of automated characters fill the screen, animated by algorithms that let them interact, similar to computer games and agents in computational sociology. Such artificial masses are stepping in the foreground. Simulating life began in the movies and computer games, but is influencing many fields today. In architecture, city planning and traffic navigation as well as in predictions of markets and trade, virtual scenarios influence society and change the way we live. Transformation Scenario (2018) by Clemens von Wedemeyer creates a speculative narration on the impact of emulated group behaviour in society. It follows an idea that could be inspired by Jean Luc Godards film Le Gai Savoir: “To find the solution to a problem, be it a chemical or political problem, one has to dissolve it: dissolve hydrogen, dissolve the parliament. Therefore we will now dissolve images and sounds.“ The film is part of a long term project by the artist making reference to the work Mass and Power (1960) by Elias Canetti, shifting the view on imageries of society, crowd control and potentials of masses today. This is especially relevant in times of populism, when numbers are used to construct power, and demonstrations and mass events form moments of resistance.
Clemens von Wedemeyer, born in 1974 in Göttingen, Germany, currently lives and works in Berlin and holds a professorship for media art at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. The artist and filmmaker participated in group shows such as the 1st Moscow Biennale (2005), the 4th Berlin Biennale (2006), Skulptur Projekte Münster in 2007, the 16th Biennale of Sydney (2008), and dOCUMENTA (13) (2012). He had solo shows among others at MoMA PS1, New York, ARGOS Centre for Art and Media, Brussels, the Barbican Art Centre, London, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein and Hamburger Kunsthalle. His works can be found in major collections such as The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Tate Modern, London.
Nicole Vögele
Catalogue : 2016nebel | Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur | 60:0 | Suisse, Allemagne | 2014
Nicole VÖgele
Doc. expérimental | 16mm | couleur | 60:0 | Suisse, Allemagne | 2014
Une gare dans la brume; des rails qui se perdent dans la blancheur. Un homme qui attend. Entre les nappes de brouillard, un renard, le nez au vent. Mugissements, vacillements, puis le silence. Et toujours la brume. Des images de la nature se mêlent à des rencontres fugitives, des hommes qui habitent leurs propres mondes: un astronome, un musicien, un éleveur de chevaux. Tous sont animés d’une soif secrète de contacts, de liens et aspirent à un regard ouvert sur le monde. Loin des explications, le film restitue un grondement intérieur.
Born in 1983 in Gretzenbach (Switzerland). 2002 she got her first job at the Swiss Television. Over the last ten years she has been working as a journalist and reporter for several programs as «CASH-TV», «10vor10» and «Reporter». At the Swiss TV she started making documentaries. In 2010 Nicole Vögele enrolled at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy, studying documentary filmmaking. Her first short documentary „Frau Loosli“ won the Postproduction Prize for the best swiss film at Visions du Réel 2013. Her latest film „nebel“ premiered at Berlinale 2014 and received an honorable mention by the dialogue en perspective jury. Nicole Vögele is currently working on her diploma project.
Viet Vu
Catalogue : 2021An Act Of Affection | Documentaire | mp4 | couleur | 16:0 | Viet nam, Portugal | 2020
Viet Vu
An Act Of Affection
Documentaire | mp4 | couleur | 16:0 | Viet nam, Portugal | 2020
En réalisant le portrait d'un homosexuel célibataire à Lisbonne, un cinéaste offre à son personnage un petit cadeau du fond du cœur. Ce film ne se contente pas de capturer de belles interactions entre deux individus par le biais d’une caméra à la première personne, c'est aussi un film sur l'acte de filmer.
Viet Vu (Quang Trung Pham) a été critique de cinéma avant de percer dans la réalisation avec son premier film court, "Ant-Man" [2018]. Ce film lui a valu le Purin Award for The Most Promising Filmmaker from South East Asia. Depuis, il a réalisé une série de courts métrages portant sur la mémoire, le temps et la décolonisation interne. Ses œuvres ont été présentées dans divers festivals de cinéma, notamment à Locarno (Suisse), à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), à Tampere (Finlande), et à Singapour (Chine). Actuellement, Viet termine DOC NOMADS, un programme de Master en réalisation de films documentaires dans trois villes européennes: Lisbonne (Portugal), Budapest (Hongrie) et Bruxelles (Belgique).
Catalogue : 2019Nguoi Kien | Fiction | hdv | couleur | 26:19 | Viet nam | 2018
Viet Vu
Nguoi Kien
Fiction | hdv | couleur | 26:19 | Viet nam | 2018
The daily life of a homosexual man whose body is inhabited by ants.
Viet Vu (Ph?m Quang Trung) is a newcomer in moving image. He was introduced to images in a workshop at Hanoi Doclab by artist Jamie Maxtone-Graham in 2016. So far he has made one image collection of "Mom-me" (2017 - group exihibition at Hanoi Manzi Art Space) and a short film of "Ant-Man" (2018). Viet likes to approach the sublimity in vision of humanity through his camera.
Matthijs Vuijk
Catalogue : 2023La Soledad de Montaña | Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 12:53 | Pays-Bas, Colombie | 2021

Matthijs Vuijk
La Soledad de Montaña
Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 12:53 | Pays-Bas, Colombie | 2021
In a small village on the Pacific coast of Colombia, there is a single mountain surrounded by the ocean. On this mountain, a very special bird species settled a long time ago named Soledad de Montaña, directly translated as ‘the solitary mountain’. These birds carry a magical story and it's said that it can be heard during the stormy winds once in a while..
Matthijs Vuijk (1995, NL) is a director, artist and cinematographer with a diverse background in photography, film, and virtual reality. After studying photography at the Royal Academy of the Arts in Ghent, Belgium, he pursued a Bachelor Honours in Film & Television at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) in Johannesburg, South Africa. Matthijs' collaborative graduation film, "Sikelela Tapes" (2020), was selected for the prestigious International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). His work revolves around creating captivating worlds through a powerful audiovisual atmosphere, exploring fragmented memory, space, and the emotional impact of societal shifts. Matthijs' practice has been recognized with a 'Starting Artist' stipend from the Dutch Mondriaan Fonds and gained Netherlands Film Fund support for his recent virtual reality project, "With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick this Time to Fall in Love". Currently, he is actively engaged in various cultural initiatives in Johannesburg and Amsterdam.
Catalogue : 2022With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick This Time to Fall In Love | VR expérimental | 0 | couleur | 7:0 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2021
Matthijs Vuijk
With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick This Time to Fall In Love
VR expérimental | 0 | couleur | 7:0 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2021
This immersive experience includes three-dimensional scans combined with voice-memos, images, videos and WhatsApp messages which together form an assemblage of distant yet intimate encounters with friends and subjects. The viewer is able to walk through a personal and emotional digital landscape, creating their own non-linear narrative between dream and reality, a liminal space of longing.
Matthijs Vuijk (1995, NL) is an independent new media artist and filmmaker who has been studying photography at the Royal Academy of the Arts in Ghent, Belgium, from which he graduated with distinction. After doing an internship with Dutch filmmaker Lara Verheijden, Matthijs moved to Johannesburg, South Africa. There Matthijs finished a Bachelor Honours in Film & Television at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) with distinction and participated in a collaborative VR project between the Filmuniversität Babelsberg and WITS. Matthijs’ background in visual art, film and VR encompass his passion, which lies in the creation of captivating worlds through a strong visual atmosphere. He is formally and technically interested in different mediums while the important narrative factors within his work have a strong emphasis on emotions, intimacy and connection. His recent collaborative film What do I see when I see me with Sammie Straub has been selected at the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2021, while Matthijs’ newest immersive experience With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick this Time to Fall in Love participates in the 2021 edition of the Fak’ugesi Digital Innovation Festival in Johannesburg, South Africa. His collaborative graduation film Sikelela Tapes was selected for the ‘Frontlight’ competition of the renowned International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and had its world premier at the Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) in Tanzania. Matthijs is currently involved in different cultural initiatives in both Johannesburg and Amsterdam.
Catalogue : 2021What do I see when I see me | Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 3:23 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2020
Matthijs Vuijk, Straub Sammie
What do I see when I see me
Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 3:23 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2020
Une jeune femme interagit avec son propre cyborg. Libéré de sa chair et de ses pensées dans le cyberespace, son corps numérique prolonge les mouvements et les expressions de son corps biologique. De cette manière, la jeune femme échappe aux conventions matérielles liées au corps féminin.
Sammie Straub est née en 1994, et a grandi à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas). Elle est artiste multidisciplinaire, et s'intéresse à la culture visuelle, à la philosophie et à la musique. Dans ses œuvres visuelles, ses performances et ses installations, elle recherche l'esthétique (de la mode) au milieu du chaos politique et des distractions de la société. Ses œuvres contiennent des éléments de critique sociale, de stylisme, de direction artistique, de musique et de design graphique. Dans ses œuvres musicales, elle a une préférence pour la musique électronique: breaks, wave, EBM et techno, dépassant les frontières des genres musicaux tout comme ses origines transcendent les frontières et les nations définies par la colonisation. Sammie Straub étudie actuellement la photographie à l'Académie Willem de Kooning de Rotterdam (Pays-Bas) et la philosophie à l'Université d'Amsterdam (Pays-Bas). Matthijs Vuijk est né en 1995 aux Pays-Bas. Il a étudié la photographie à la Royal Academy of the Arts, Gand (Belgique). Après avoir fait un stage auprès de la réalisatrice néerlandaise Lara Verheijden, Matthijs a déménagé à Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud). Il y a obtenu un Honours Degree en cinéma et télévision à la WITS - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud), et a participé à un projet de réalité virtuelle en collaboration avec la Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Berlin (Allemagne) et la WITS - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud). Matthijs Vuijk a fait le montage du nouveau film de Lara Verheijden, "Coco" (2020), a reçu un financement régional de la province de Zélande (Pays-Bas) pour son nouveau documentaire, et participe actuellement à différentes initiatives culturelles à Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud) et à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas).
Matthijs Vuijk, Straub Sammie
Catalogue : 2023La Soledad de Montaña | Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 12:53 | Pays-Bas, Colombie | 2021

Matthijs Vuijk
La Soledad de Montaña
Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 12:53 | Pays-Bas, Colombie | 2021
In a small village on the Pacific coast of Colombia, there is a single mountain surrounded by the ocean. On this mountain, a very special bird species settled a long time ago named Soledad de Montaña, directly translated as ‘the solitary mountain’. These birds carry a magical story and it's said that it can be heard during the stormy winds once in a while..
Matthijs Vuijk (1995, NL) is a director, artist and cinematographer with a diverse background in photography, film, and virtual reality. After studying photography at the Royal Academy of the Arts in Ghent, Belgium, he pursued a Bachelor Honours in Film & Television at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) in Johannesburg, South Africa. Matthijs' collaborative graduation film, "Sikelela Tapes" (2020), was selected for the prestigious International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). His work revolves around creating captivating worlds through a powerful audiovisual atmosphere, exploring fragmented memory, space, and the emotional impact of societal shifts. Matthijs' practice has been recognized with a 'Starting Artist' stipend from the Dutch Mondriaan Fonds and gained Netherlands Film Fund support for his recent virtual reality project, "With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick this Time to Fall in Love". Currently, he is actively engaged in various cultural initiatives in Johannesburg and Amsterdam.
Catalogue : 2022With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick This Time to Fall In Love | VR expérimental | 0 | couleur | 7:0 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2021
Matthijs Vuijk
With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick This Time to Fall In Love
VR expérimental | 0 | couleur | 7:0 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2021
This immersive experience includes three-dimensional scans combined with voice-memos, images, videos and WhatsApp messages which together form an assemblage of distant yet intimate encounters with friends and subjects. The viewer is able to walk through a personal and emotional digital landscape, creating their own non-linear narrative between dream and reality, a liminal space of longing.
Matthijs Vuijk (1995, NL) is an independent new media artist and filmmaker who has been studying photography at the Royal Academy of the Arts in Ghent, Belgium, from which he graduated with distinction. After doing an internship with Dutch filmmaker Lara Verheijden, Matthijs moved to Johannesburg, South Africa. There Matthijs finished a Bachelor Honours in Film & Television at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) with distinction and participated in a collaborative VR project between the Filmuniversität Babelsberg and WITS. Matthijs’ background in visual art, film and VR encompass his passion, which lies in the creation of captivating worlds through a strong visual atmosphere. He is formally and technically interested in different mediums while the important narrative factors within his work have a strong emphasis on emotions, intimacy and connection. His recent collaborative film What do I see when I see me with Sammie Straub has been selected at the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2021, while Matthijs’ newest immersive experience With the Whole World Crumbling, We Pick this Time to Fall in Love participates in the 2021 edition of the Fak’ugesi Digital Innovation Festival in Johannesburg, South Africa. His collaborative graduation film Sikelela Tapes was selected for the ‘Frontlight’ competition of the renowned International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and had its world premier at the Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) in Tanzania. Matthijs is currently involved in different cultural initiatives in both Johannesburg and Amsterdam.
Catalogue : 2021What do I see when I see me | Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 3:23 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2020
Matthijs Vuijk, Straub Sammie
What do I see when I see me
Doc. expérimental | mp4 | couleur | 3:23 | Pays-Bas, Afrique du sud | 2020
Une jeune femme interagit avec son propre cyborg. Libéré de sa chair et de ses pensées dans le cyberespace, son corps numérique prolonge les mouvements et les expressions de son corps biologique. De cette manière, la jeune femme échappe aux conventions matérielles liées au corps féminin.
Sammie Straub est née en 1994, et a grandi à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas). Elle est artiste multidisciplinaire, et s'intéresse à la culture visuelle, à la philosophie et à la musique. Dans ses œuvres visuelles, ses performances et ses installations, elle recherche l'esthétique (de la mode) au milieu du chaos politique et des distractions de la société. Ses œuvres contiennent des éléments de critique sociale, de stylisme, de direction artistique, de musique et de design graphique. Dans ses œuvres musicales, elle a une préférence pour la musique électronique: breaks, wave, EBM et techno, dépassant les frontières des genres musicaux tout comme ses origines transcendent les frontières et les nations définies par la colonisation. Sammie Straub étudie actuellement la photographie à l'Académie Willem de Kooning de Rotterdam (Pays-Bas) et la philosophie à l'Université d'Amsterdam (Pays-Bas). Matthijs Vuijk est né en 1995 aux Pays-Bas. Il a étudié la photographie à la Royal Academy of the Arts, Gand (Belgique). Après avoir fait un stage auprès de la réalisatrice néerlandaise Lara Verheijden, Matthijs a déménagé à Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud). Il y a obtenu un Honours Degree en cinéma et télévision à la WITS - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud), et a participé à un projet de réalité virtuelle en collaboration avec la Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Berlin (Allemagne) et la WITS - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud). Matthijs Vuijk a fait le montage du nouveau film de Lara Verheijden, "Coco" (2020), a reçu un financement régional de la province de Zélande (Pays-Bas) pour son nouveau documentaire, et participe actuellement à différentes initiatives culturelles à Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud) et à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas).